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My name is Bram Kanstein, a creative internet entrepreneur with 10 years of experience helping dozens of founders and teams going from 0 β†’ 1 with their business ideas. Next to that I have also built and launched my own digital products.

25 failures, 5 acquisitions and 1M+ users later, I currently help founders de-risk their startup ideas and get ready for growth. I do this through coaching and consulting engagements, my online course No-Code MVP, and free resources like this template.

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<aside> ℹ️ About The MVP Experiment Canvas is a practical framework offering a structured approach for turning your big idea into a Minimum Viable Product you can test and validate with potential customers.

A Minimum Viable Product is a structured experiment (code or no-code) that helps you to successfully validate or invalidate the riskiest assumptions of your idea while delivering acceptable value to your customers.

It’s disposable and can be repeated in different setups until you reach a level of certainty, or uncertainty, where you can decide if the idea is something you should pursue (or not).

πŸ“–Β Click here to read the full how-to guide

▢️ How to get started with this template

  1. Don’t have a Notion account? Click here to create one.
  2. Click Duplicate in the top right to copy this template to your Notion account. </aside>

1. Your Customer Segment πŸ‘€

Which segment of your target customers will experience the most value from your MVP and can you learn from them?

2. Value Proposition 🎁

My company (insert company) is developing (a defined offering) to help (a defined audience) (solve a problem)_ with (secret sauce/differentiation)_

3. Channel(s) 🚚

How are you going to reach your Customer Segment and "deliver" your Value Proposition to them?

4. Customer Engagement ❀

How are you going to engage the customers who used your MVP to learn from their experience and gather feedback to improve your Value Proposition?

5. Riskiest Assumption(s) πŸ’£

What are you setting out to test with your MVP? Are these assumptions about the Problem, Solution, or Implementation?

6. Experiment Format βš—

What are you setting out to test with your MVP? Are these assumptions about the Problem, Solution or Implementation?

7. Experiment Scenario / Workflow πŸ”„

HOW does that work? Describe the steps from beginning to end.

8. Metrics πŸ“ˆ

What will you measure? (Can be multiple metrics)

9. Success Criteria πŸ†

How do you qualify and/or quantify a successful outcome of this experiment?

10. Results 🏁

What are the qualitative and/or quantitative results of your experiment?

11. Learnings & Insights πŸ”‘

What are your key learnings? What are your key surprises? Did you get enough results? What do they tell you about your Riskiest Assumption(s)?

12. Next Steps 🚦

What do the results tell you to do next? Are you going to Pivot, Pursue, or Stop?